Nature Communications:
LungVis 1.0: Precision Therapy for Lung Diseases with AI-Driven Imaging
Dealing with tobacco industry
DZL and and other medical societies define a unified stance
Ehrapy analyzes health data
New Open-Source Tool for scientists worldwide reveals hidden connections
CPC-M scientist Mareike Lehmann:
Carol Basbaum Award for outstanding scientific achievement
More than 1300 donor lungs:
35 years of lung transplantation at Munich Lung Transplant Group (LMU Clinic)
COPD & Nutrition
What you eat is what you breathe - Interview with CPC-M Director Önder Yildirim
DGP Research Prize 2024
Janine Gote-Schniering and Niklas Lang are researching pulmonary fibrosis
New Director at CPC-M
Change at the top in march, 2024: Ali Önder Yildirim is following Erika von Mutius.
Emmy-Noether-Group for Carola Voss
DZL-Coordinator looks for disease-causing mechanisms in the lungs.
Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL)
Emerging Scientist Award for Olivia Merkel in the field of inhalation science
Insights from Single-Cell Genomics
Accelerating Drug Development for Lung Diseases with Precision Cut Lung Slices
DZL-Forscherin Bianca Schaub
ERS Mid-Career Gold Medal in Asthma Award for excellent research
Early detection of lung cancer
Nobel Prize-winning laser technology at the LMU Lung Tumor Center in Großhadern
Molecular Mechanisms of Lung Disease
CPC-M Scientists are co-hosting conference in Chicago
Rhinovirus in Asthma
Johannes Wenner Prize for Dr. Nicole Maison (DZL-site Munich, CPC-M)
Bavarian Maximilian Order
CPC-M Director Erika von Mutius receives “Bavarian Nobel Prize"
Premiere: DZG Munich Day
Researchers of all eight DZG at the Munich site discuss structures and strategies.
Homerun for the DZL Site Munich (CPC-M)
Four poster awards and three newly elected coordinator positions
Emmy Noether Junior Research Group
DFG funds DZL group leader Mareike Lehmann with 1.3 million euros
Scars in the lungs
Süddeutsche Zeitung article about research on lung fibrosis at the LHI/CPC-M
Leibniz Prize for Fabian Theis
DZL-PI wins Germany’s most prestigious research award 2023
DZL Young Investigator Meeting
Young scientists awarded in area Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease
Poster prize for ex vivo lung model
German Society for Thoracic Surgery awards Mircea-Gabriel Stoleriu
Award for asthma and allergy prevention
Advanced ERC Grant for Erika von Mutius' projects on asthma and allergies in children
DZL Annual Meeting 2022 in Hanover
Scientists and physicians call for more innovative technologies for earlier diagnosis
New methods of inhalation in asthma
ERC-Proof of Concept Grant for DZL PI Olivia Merkel (Department Pharmacy, LMU)
Tobacco cessation: e-cigarettes are not suitable
Electronic cigarettes damage the lungs and the cardiovascular system
Dissertation Award for Gizem Güneş Günsel
DZL junior scientist researches enzyme linked to progression of COPD
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: 340.000 Euro Grant
Worldwide project explores the pediatric respiratory system
Pulmonary fibrosis - DGP award for Niklas Lang
DZL young scientist looks at the cellular processes and potential new drugs
Novel potent antifibrotics?
Scientists investigate massive deposition of extracellular matrix in lung fibrosis
ESID Grant for Verena Häfner
DZL Academy Fellow investigates lung infections in immunodeficencies
Young Investigator Award for Michal Mastalerz
What is the impact of cigarette smoke on the epithelial cells in the lung?
First DZL Academy Symposium
Exchange between early career lung researchers on translational research
Hamburg Science Prize 2021
DZL scientist Fabian Theis honoured as a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence
T Lymphocytes and Covid-19
DZL researchers reveil how T cells change during the course of the disease
Award for work on Bronchiolitis Obliterans
Deutsche Lungenstiftung awards Carmela Morrone for best experimental work
Therapeutic approach against COPD
"Karger Kompass Pneumologie": Article about Nature publication on promising COPD-therapy
Single Cell Genomics
First symposium of the DZL 3.0 working group with top international researchers
Rising Star Award for DZL scientist
Mareike Lehmann awarded for work on age-related lung diseases and their research
Google Maps of the Lung
DZL-PI Herbert Schiller on Deutschlandfunk Kultur about the ‚Human Cell Atlas‘
Severe courses with SARS-CoV-2:
Viral entry factors are more abundant in elderly, men and smokers
DZL approves Clinical study
Aim is to stop chronic lung allograft dysfunction after lung transplantation
Peptide agent against COVID-19
EU funding for clinical trial in severe COVID-19 patients at the clinic of LMU Munich
"Oscar of Pharmacy"
Work by DZL-PI Olivia Merkel on therapies for asthma awarded with PHOENIX Science Prize
Annual DPLD Meeting (DZL)
Meeting of the disease area Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease - also a virtual success
Research explained clearly
Herbert Schiller on ARD-alpha about the 50 different cell types in the lung and his research on new therapeutics
Rudolf Pichlmayr Prize of DTG
Award for Dr. Nikolaus Kneidinger for improvements in long-term success after lung transplantation
DFG/ANR approval for IPF project
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is funding research for new therapeutic target in IPF
500,000 Euro for Covid-19 study
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding lung researchers at the ILBD/CPC-M
Interview about Covid-19 in SPIEGEL
CPC-M PI Dr. Ali Önder Yildirim talks about prophylaxis for the lung an special risk groups
Funding for the CPC-M bioArchive
Partnership between CPC-M bioArchive and Office for Translational Research in Cambridge enters the next stage
Aerosols and the Human Lung
Scientific textbook on aerosol science by DZL-PI Dr. Otmar Schmid published by World Scientific
Silke Meiners Editor of ERJ
Prof. Silke Meiners from DZL site Munich (CPC-M) appointed Associate Editorin of European Respiratory Journal
Research funding on lung ageing
3D tissue model to show the environmentally induced aging of the human lung
Poster awards for CPC-M scientists
Prizes at the annual meeting of the German Centre for Lung Research
Lung researchers of the future
For the 7th time, junior scientists met at the Munich International Autumn School (MIAS)
World COPD Day on November 20st
Researchers are looking for therapies and better care for patients with COPD
Research award for Munich lung biologist
ECMO therapy with artificial lung helps patients with transplanted donor lung
Imaging in research and clinics
DZL-Workshop at the CPC-M gave an overview of the latest procedures in the fields.
Research Highlights of the Year 2018
DZL site Munich presents three projects in the annual report of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL)
Balzan Prize for DZL researchers
Scientists of German Center for lung research received prize for outstanding performance
Thousandth lung transplantation
Milestone at the Munich Lung Transplant Group (LMU Munich hospital)
21 projects, 11 studies and a lot of cooperation
Group leader meeting at the Munich site of the German Center for Lung Research (CPC-M)
Price for publication in pulmonary fibrosis
Can extracellular vesicles transmit signaling mediators and prevent scarring of the lung?
DFG appoints Heisenberg professorship
DZL group leader Prof. Bianca Schaub is focusing on the development of allergic diseases in childhood
Lung stem cells: Prize at 2019 DZL Meeting
PhD Student at CPC-M receives Best Poster Prize for project with modern 4D light sheet microscopy
Biomaterials - new German-British cooperation
CPC-M bioArchive receives funding to build a partnership with The Cambridge University Health Partner's OTR
2 million euro grant for DZL research group
Research group at CPC-M is targeting scar-free wound healing as a possible treatment for pulmonary fibrosis
MLC 2018 - Top researchers in Munich
In the video: The highlights of the Munich Lung Conference 2018, from lectures to poster sessions to networking (german)...
Funding for researcher of the CPC-M
Dr. Isis Fernandez receives best abstract award at the European Respiratory Society Congress in Paris
CPC-M group leader on board of PLOS ONE
Dr. Claudia Staab-Weijnitz invited to be a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal
Best translational publication in the field of DPLD
Former CPC-M physician Dr. Kai Förster receives award for his research on premature babies
New Institute of Asthma and Allergy Prevention
Professor Erika von Mutius wants to strengthen the research areas lung diseases and allergy at the IAP
New guidelines for COPD adopted
DZL doctors revise guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease