Medical gaps in the treatment of incurable pulmonary fibrosis: LHI/CPC-M group leader Mareike Lehmann explains in the Süddeutsche Zeitung report how lung cells age and why they sometimes behave like zombies.
Science explained clearly and for interested laypeople - SZ editor Sarra Chaouch-Şimşek was a guest at the LHI/CPC-M in Großhadern. Mareike Lehmann was able to show her vividly in the laboratory what lung research looks like in practice: Employee Camila Melo-Narvaez cuts samples of human lung tissue into wafer-thin slices. The researchers then artificially age the tissue in the laboratory.
With these and other experiments, the researchers led by Mareike Lehmann hope to find new methods of treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which is currently incurable.
You can read the entire article here (german):