Munich Lung Conference: Top Experts in Munich

"Exacerbations of Chronic Lung Diseases – Mechanisms & Environment"

With this as motto, the DZL site in Munich (Comprehensive Pneumology Center, CPC-M) co-hosted the 2018 Munich Lung Conference. On April 13-14, 2018, around 170 internationally renowned lung experts discussed this important aspect of chronic lung diseases.

Exacerbations are acute deteriorations or the resurgence of chronic lung diseases. However, what exactly happens is not yet fully understood. This makes scientific exchange all the more important, according to Professor Mark Nicolls, Head of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Stanford University: "With the thematic orientation of the conference, the organizers are setting a trend, as this is the first conference on the topic of exacerbations in all chronic lung diseases.“

See the highlights of the MLC 2018 in the video, from lectures and posters to a sensationally delicious buffet (german):

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