Two prizes were awarded at the DPLD Annual Meeting in Heidelberg in June 2018: The best basic scientific and the best translational publication of the disease area DPLD (Diffuse Pulmonary Parenchyma Diseases). A team of independent international reviewers evaluated all original papers from 2017.
The prize-winning publication by Dr. Kai Förster describes the early diagnosis of chronic lung diseases in premature babies. It focuses on three specific marker proteins that can be detected in the blood of premature infants shortly after birth. This new diagnostic possibility could enable a faster and more individual therapy of chronic lung diseases in premature babies.
A detailed report on the project and a link to the study can be found here.
Dr. Kai Martin Förster is a neonatologist and was a member - until end of 2018 - of the research group led by Dr. Anne Hilgendorff, which is investigating "Mechanisms of Neonatal Chronic Lung Disease" at the CPC-M.