Great recognition for the DZL site Munich (CPC-M):
In the recently published Annual Report 2018 of the German Center for Lung Research, our scientists are presenting three projects in detail as highlights of 2018.
In the field of asthma and allergies for example, the researchers led by Ulrich Zissler (TUM) are looking for a direct and easy way to control therapies: nasal secretory markers (biomarkers) can shed some light on how the disease works and how it should be treated.
In the COPD disease area, DZL-PI Ali Önder Yildirim‘s team is tracking down disease-causing tissue accumulations in the lungs. They found that these iBALT structures may be inhibited by the fungicide clotrimazole. Could COPD be treated with this drug in the future? Find out more here.
In the case of interstitial lung diseases, DZL researchers at the Munich site investigated the mechanism of scarring in severe pulmonary fibrosis: Most likely, vesicles outside the cell are also involved. They could help to communicate between cells and organs as well as serve as mode of transport for future therapeutics. If pulmonary fibrosis can be treated with these vesicles one day, read more here.
Further hightlights in 2018 were the French-German Lung school and the Munich International Autumn School for Respiratory Medizine. Both events have been organized by both the CPC Research School and the DZL.
The DZL annual report also contains all the key figures on financial support as well as the visions for the future.
Here you can download the DZL annual report: