Bundled excellence in five sites
The function of the lung in the respiratory system is to get oxygen from the air into the blood and perform gas exchange. If the interaction in the pulmonary circulation or in the bronchi is disturbed, life-threatening diseases develop – a trend which has been on the rise for decades. Our lifestyle and environmental influences are increasing the incidence of lung diseases, a comparatively new and great challenge for research and medicine.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) therefore supports the German Center for Lung Research, DZL. In this network, five lung research sites have joined forces with a total of 28 institutes of basic research, university medicine and large lung clinics. The doctors and scientists of this nationwide research network shall develop new ways of diagnosing, treating and preventing lung diseases. The basic research of scientists and the treatment of patients in the clinics go hand in hand.
The DZL conducts research on the following diseases:
• asthma and allergies
• chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD)
• cystic fibrosis
• acute lung damage and pneumonia
• interstitial lung diseases
• pulmonary hypertension
• severe lung disease in the terminal stage
• lung cancer
The German Center for Lung Research was founded on November 14, 2011. A total of EUR 70 million was made available for its establishment in 2011-2015 and EUR 130 million for the years 2016-2020. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides 90 % of the funding, the respective federal states (Länder) 10%.
Find out more about the German Center for Lung Research and its other sites on the DZL website.
In addition to our institute, the Comprehensive Pneumology Center Munich, the following sites belong to the DZL: